Poster Presentation 40th Annual Lorne Genome Conference 2019

Remodelling the interior: How the nucleus is reconfigured to regulate CD8+ T cell differentiation. (#226)

Alison Morey 1 , Ashley Rozario 2 , Brendan Russ 1 , Toby Bell 2 , Stephen Turner 1 3
  1. Microbiology, Biomedicine Discovery Institute , Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia
  2. School of Chemistry, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia
  3. The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Melbourne University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Virus infection triggers the proliferation and differentiation of naïve, quiescent CD8+ T cells, resulting in a large pool of effector cells that are now capable of killing infected host cells. Importantly, infection gives rise to a long-lived pool of virus-specific (memory) T cells that reactivate rapidly following re-infection, providing the basis of T cell-mediated immunity. While it is understood that T cell differentiation is orchestrated by global changes in gene transcription, the mechanisms that result in these changes are still largely unknown.

Global changes in the nuclear architecture occur following T cell activation, with modulated deposition of histone modifications and locus-specific regulatory interactions acting to fine-tune gene transcription. At a broader level, the positioning of genes within the nucleus is regulated to influence expression, by altering their proximity to the transcriptional machinery, while higher-order chromatin structures have a less well characterised role to play in imparting cell-type specific transcription profiles. Moreover, how these different layers of regulation work together to choreograph differentiation outcomes is a question that has only recently begun to be addressed.   

We are employing single-molecule localisation methods, such as stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) combined with genomics techniques to determine how higher order chromatin structures are modulated to regulate T cell differentiation, and how these structural changes control gene transcription to facilitate anti-viral immunity. Ultimately, we will determine how the nucleus is reconfigured to regulate T cell differentiation.